The Detective Spouse

Where a wife (usually) suspects that her husband is concealing assets, she turns detective.

Copying documents, steaming open post, listening to phone calls and rummaging through his papers, to find secret bank accounts, credit cards and assets held in a third party names. often a mistress.

In the case of Hildebrand the Judge ruled that a document left lying around can be copied, and used in a divorce financial claim.

The celebrity chef Pierre Marco White is hitting back and is taking his ex-wife and her solicitors to court for dirty tricks.

Shivers have gone down the spine of family solicitors, who are running scared.

We are not like that. Nor would we be so intimidated. If the procedure is correctly followed the right of a wife not to be cheated and lied to, will outweigh rules governing commercial espionage.

If you think your spouse is hiding assets from you come to us. Solicitors are no use to you any more. We can help.

Consult the expert with over 25 years experience of dealing with difficult situations like this. There is no substitute for experience, coupled with speed, efficiency and cost effectiveness.

24 hours a day.

Rodney Hylton-Potts 020-7381 8111 or email [email protected]