Can a British National Who Trained Outside the UK Join the GDC?

Question: I am a British National who is once again living in the UK with my husband and children. I got my BDS training and qualification in Pakistan. My aim is to gain full GDC Registration status, and I believe my best approach is to use EC Rights to do this. Both my husband and I have British passports and I can provide proof that my husband works in the UK. However, when I approached them the GDC advised me to seek legal advice before applying, can you please advise?

Answer: Each case has to be looked at on its individual merits. You really do need to seek proper legal advice before applying. The GDC rejects many EC Rights applications and will do so for any legitimate reason, even a small one. The way they rule on these kinds of applications strongly indicates that the GDC wants dentists with non-EU qualifications to take the ORE and conclusively prove that they are able to work to UK standards. However, this does not mean it is impossible to be registered with the GDC using EC Rights. With the right legal advice, you can increase your chances of an EC rights application being accepted.

With any General Dental Council application, the first hurdle you have to overcome is whether your dental qualification is recognised by the GDC. If your qualifications are not recognised you will have to complete the ORE. However, if another EU country has already formally recognised your qualifications and allowed you to practice there for 3 years your qualification could also be recognised by the GDC.

You also have to bear in mind that there is no EU or UK law that defines this EC Right. It is simply part of the GDC’s guidelines. How it is defined and applied is mainly governed by several European Court of Justice Rulings. The EC Right does not simply rely on or relate to where you or your spouse was born.  In fact, it primarily relates to whether you have been habitually resident in the EU at any stage.

The Hylton Potts team can assess your case and maximise the chances of your GDC application being accepted. Our team is experienced in this area and our advice is offered for a competitive fixed fee.