Can a Dentist who Qualified Outside the EEA Register with the GDC?

Question: NARIC UK recognises the university that I gained my dental qualification from, but I qualified outside of the EEA. I want to move to the UK, with my family, and work as a dentist. Can I do so?

Answer: You can work as a dentist in the UK. However, to do so you will still have to take and pass the ORE. This is necessary even for dentists who obtained their qualification from a National Academic Recognition Information Centre (NARIC).

Provided you pass the ORE, you will be able to apply to the GDC for registration.  Having taken these steps, you will be able to practice dentistry in the UK without supervision. The GDC states that candidates have to prove that they meet or exceed the standards of a ‘just passed’ British Dental School graduate.

It is important to realise that qualifying and successfully registering with the GDC are just two of the hurdles you need to overcome to practice dentistry in the UK. In the past, there was a shortage of dentists in the UK, but this is not currently the case in most parts of the UK. Therefore it is wise to research job opportunities for dentists in the part of the UK you are planning to live in.

Some dentists who qualified outside the EEA can be exempt from having to take the ORE, but from what you say, you do not appear to fall into any of these categories. However, given that training for and taking the ORE is time consuming and entails costs it may be wise to seek advice from us at Hylton Potts.

For a fixed fee, we can examine your qualifications, citizen status and other relevant factors and let you know if there is any way for you to avoid having to take the ORE. This is especially relevant for those who have previously lived, worked or studied in an EEA country. Our legal team will not only tell you if you can apply without taking the ORE, they will also guide you through the application process. The GDC prefer people to take the ORE, so will take the opportunity to reject an EU Rights application when they can, which is why it is always wise to make these types of applications with the help of a legal advisor.