A Guide to the Different Types of Worker

Many employers now choose to employ different types of workers. They do so to give themselves the maximum flexibility, which allows them to compete more effectively. In the UK, it is now possible to employ people under a range of contracts. The main types are permanent, part-time, fixed term, self-employed, contractor or sub-contractor.

The type of contract a person is employed under, to some extent, determines what employment rights they have. It also affects their status within the company specifically whether they are categorised as workers or employees.

Certain employment rights have to be extended to all kinds of workers and employees. However, not all employment rights are universal. Understanding the difference between each kind of worker or employee and the rights each group has is vital. Failure to understand your legal responsibilities in this area or employment law can lead to employment claims being made against you. Therefore, it makes sense to educate yourself and your management about this aspect of employing people.

Our Rules and Regulations guide provides detailed information about each type of worker and the employment rights they have.

You can also contact Hylton Potts to discuss the rights of various types of workers in more detail and make an appointment to see one of our advisors. You can contact us on 0207 381 8111 or via email.