Child Benefit Letters Cause Confusion

Read this article in the Financial times weekend section 5 September 2014


Adam Palin writes about the letters from HMRC to the public in August, about the high income Child Benefit charge.  The whole situation is confusing and something of a shambles.


This is nothing new.  HMRC often fire out very distressing letters about overpayments, and threatening all sorts of action and the taxpayer cannot respond.  Literally it is often impossible to get a reply to a letter for months or at all, or a phone call and there is a plethora of confusion as to where to write to.


It is a national scandal, but the good news is that a good lawyer can turn that to the taxpayers’ advantage.  Judges expect the HMRC to comply with their own code of conduct, and if they do not that can be a useful tool in mitigation or defence when dealing with HMRC.


If you have a tax credit criminal or civil problem seek expert advice at an early stage.


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