Example of a Benefit Fraud Enquiry – Homeless with children and pregnant

Here is an example of a typical enquiry we get, with obviously all details removed to reserve strict confidentiality.

Dear Hylton Potts
My problem started when I became homeless with my children and I was pregnant. We had been placed into several hostels and they all were unsuitable accommodation for me and my kids as I was heavily pregnant and had difficulty moving every time. When I asked the Council for suitable accommodation, every time, they would tell me to find private property by myself.  I tried hard to find any private landlord who accepts council tenants but to no avail, they all refused to accept me and my kids as they don’t want to rent to people on benefits.  My baby due date was too close and I had to find a place to for me and for my kids. So, the only way open to me was to find someone within my social network who is working full time to help me by renting a property under his/her name and then sublet it to me.  Therefore I turned to the father of my children asking him for help.  He lives in studio flat and will not be able to host us, as a father he couldn’t see his kids suffering.  He rented a property with the help of a relative and then sublet it to us. I then submitted to the council to claim housing benefit to help me with paying the rent due.  Ever since I have been living in the property up until now.

Recently the council contacted me telling me that the agency renting the property to me did not confirm my tenancy agreement. This is because the agency was not made aware of the sublet and now I have been called to a meeting by the council accusing me with potential fraud.  I’m stressed and worried should they stop assisting me where would I go with my kids.

Could you please advice me as to how should I address this issues and what rights do I have in such situations.

I look forward to hearing from you.  I need legal advice and help.

Hylton-Potts can help with problems like this. We operate from London offices but help clients all over the country at highly competitive fixed fees.

There is an office hours free confidential hotline 020 7381 8111 and a 24-hour free confidential email legal help service [email protected]

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