The chronology

Not just the judge, but each party, is helped by a chronology of key dates. This might be the date of meeting, cohabitation, marriage, separation, signing the Petition, purchase of the matrimonial home and the birth of the children, and any other key dates such as receiving a redundancy pay out or obtaining UK right to remain or citizenship.

This can be updated, as the case progresses.

A more detailed chronology should also be kept by the litigant “spouse” (not for the judge at this stage), and updated as things progress.

If something happens (violence, a threat “You can’t make me work, I will hide my money abroad or sit on a beach”) can be recorded (sometimes literally on a recorder) put in a chronology, date, event document the documents cross-reference in a hole punched lever arch file.

Months later the judge might say “How do I know that this is true”? and the reply is “Because on legal advice I recorded it in the chronology on my computer the same day”. This works.

A lawyer giving this advice will provide a template, for this important exercise free of charge.

Take early advice and expert advice if this is happening to you.

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