Hylton-Potts Law Blog

Legal Issues and Opinions affecting people from across the UK

Boyfriend loaning money HMRC investigation

Dear Rodney Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me and making me feel a tiny bit better! Just to reiterate: I received a letter from Concentrix on Friday saying that they had evidence that someone could be living with me. The person they cite is my neighbour . I called them this morning to let them know this. They have asked me to send in documents (bank statements, bills, mortgage accounts etc) within a week. My boyfriend, lives in Berkshire and I intend to move in with him when my daughter finishes this academic year

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Benefit Fraud Crackdown: Salvage or Scapegoating?

Austerity is a hot topic in politics these days. It is a collection of policies that have had a devastating effect on the poor and working classes of Britain. All the evidence seems to suggest that if the aim of austerity is to save the economy, then it has failed miserably. Since coming to power, the coalition government has created the largest increase in national debt of any UK government during the past 70 years. Amidst the suffering brought on by high levels of unemployment coupled with the longest sustained period of falling wages ever known in this country, those

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Family Appeals Including London Appeals

When balancing the various factors affecting a financial claim and the welfare checklist affecting children, a Judge has a wide discretion.  This is very specific and deliberate decision by Parliament, because it is only he or she who hears the evidence, reads the documents and assesses the credibility and attitude of the parties.   That does not however mean that he or she got it right, and if he has got something very obviously wrong you can appeal.   You have got to show something serious. and that there is real injustice not just that the Judge reached one conclusion

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Housing Benefit Fraud Enquiry

Here is an example of a typical enquiry we get, with obviously all details removed to reserve strict confidentiality. Further to my telephone call, I am seeking advice as I was arrested on suspicion of Housing Benefit Fraud yesterday. I had been arrested on suspicion of fraud, abuse of power in another matter. I had asked for a solicitor to be present and was interviewed. At the end of the interview I was told I was also being arrested for HB fraud. They disclosed to the solicitor that they believed I had committed fraud because of a claim form I

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There is an excellent article in The Law Society Gazette for 10 February page 6 “Family Law” reminds us that cohabitation is sharply increasing in the UK www.solicitors journal.com   Figures suggest over 3,000,000 of the opposite sex and 85,000 of the same sex.   The expression “Common Law Wife” does not exist but there are some rights if expert help has to be obtained.   Have you physically contributed to improving the property?   Have you paid directly towards a mortgage?   Did your partner promise you something specific?   Can you provide any of these points with evidence?

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Urgent legal representation required

  Here is an example of a typical enquiry we get, with obviously all details removed to reserve strict confidentiality. Dear Hylton Potts I have been informed by Inland Revenue that I am no longer entitled to Tax Credits and I need to make a repayment of £xxxx for this year and £xxxxx for last year. They say I was not entitled to claim as a single person and they have evidence to say my partner lived with me at this time. This is not correct, I supplied them with evidence of this, however they claim my evidence was insufficient.

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Cutting Divorce Costs, especially in London.

To avoid mounting costs which can come to many thousands, look for a fixed fee law firm. There are online services such as Quickie Divorce (www.quickie-divorce.com) although generally it is worth paying more for a personal bespoke service, which runs at about £850 but generally each side pays half so it is not too bad. The real issue however are arguments over money and children, and that is where costs really run away. Solicitors write legal letters to and fro for their clients. Often this is to make the clients happy, and the judge will never read them. Before you

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Companies House Liability For Its Cock Ups

The story of Philip Davison-Sedbury whose 134 year old company was forced into liquidation because Companies House made a spelling mistake in a document it sent out, make such salutary reading.   The document gave the impression that it was his company that was in financial trouble, when in fact it was another going into liquidation.   No apology was given and Companies House put up the shutters.   The result was that Philip’s company went into liquidation itself a few weeks later with a loss of 250 jobs, and heartache to a family who had run it for generations.

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Residence Orders and Impact on Money

With whom the child makes his or her main base impacts on housing benefits and child support. If you are a single parent without the children living with you, you will get less priority for social housing than if you were the full time carer. Just because you want somewhere nicer than the estate will not get you high on the list. Being joint residents will not help with housing priority either. The person with whom the children live will be able to claim Child Benefit possibly Child Tax Credits or Working Tax Credits. This is all determined by the

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Example of a Benefit Fraud Enquiry – Homeless with children and pregnant

Here is an example of a typical enquiry we get, with obviously all details removed to reserve strict confidentiality. Dear Hylton Potts My problem started when I became homeless with my children and I was pregnant. We had been placed into several hostels and they all were unsuitable accommodation for me and my kids as I was heavily pregnant and had difficulty moving every time. When I asked the Council for suitable accommodation, every time, they would tell me to find private property by myself.  I tried hard to find any private landlord who accepts council tenants but to no

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