Hylton-Potts Law Blog

Legal Issues and Opinions affecting people from across the UK

Unmarried Couples: what happens if you break up?

For a variety of reasons, many people these days are making the choice to live together without the formality of a marriage. It could be that one or both of the partners is already married to somebody else and can’t obtain a divorce. It could be that they have some kind of atheistic objection to the concept of marriage and all the ceremony that goes with it. Or it could be entirely the opposite, where the couple is waiting until they can afford to splash out on a really lavish and opulent wedding. Whatever the reason may be for why

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A not-so-festive season for some: cuts hit hard at Christmas

Christmas has been a British tradition since long before the arrival of Christianity, albeit in those early days it was known as Yule. This is why you will sometimes hear Christmas referred to as Yuletide, though I dare say many of those using the alternative name probably have no idea of its origins. Anyway, the point is that Christmas is one of the oldest surviving traditions in British culture, with the only close competitors being the wishing well and Easter. Yes, that’s right, Easter too, which was originally the festival of Oester, goddess of fertility (after whom the hormone oestrogen

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Official views towards non-UK Medical Professionals not mirrored by Public

Looking at all the hurdles medical professionals are expected to jump in order to gain the right to practice in the UK, you may be led to think that British people collectively take a dim view towards foreign doctors and nurses. In fact, this is far from the truth, because most of the negativity is dreamed up by the media (who are keen to sell sensational stories) and government officials who need to be “seen doing something”. This kind of petty bureaucracy is not unique to the UK. You will find it in many countries, but in the UK the

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Dealing with Christmas After Divorce

Getting divorced is tough, but for families with children, the first Christmas after a divorce is especially tough. Ask any group of children what they want for Christmas and along with the predictable requests for bikes and ponies, you’ll find more than a few who will test your heartstrings by saying something like, “I just want Daddy to come home”. Young children especially find it challenging to understand divorce, and may not be aware that it is a permanent arrangement. Certainly the movies and stories aimed at young children add to the problem with the way they portray marriage as

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Cruel Strategy: The Sting of a False Accusation

Apart from being a genuine victim of serious crime, one of the few things that can come close in terms of impact is being wrongfully accused of such a crime. Imagine how much more devastating it can be when the accuser is somebody that you love, somebody that, in times past, you would have trusted with your life. Now imagine that the accusations are of a sexual nature. Then imagine that they are about your own children. Each of these things is a whole new level of injustice, but the sad and shocking news is that there are people out

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PAC takes a dig at HMRC and DWP regarding overpayments

If you’re depending on tax credits to help you get by right now, there are people working on all sides of the political spectrum trying to make things even tougher for you. That’s whether you’re doing the right thing or not. But it’s especially the case if you’re not. Published at the end of October, the latest report and recommendations from the Committee of Public Accounts was highly critical of the government’s efforts to recover overpayments of tax credits and benefits. The Committee pointed out that HMRC pays out approximately £29 billion in tax credits, which sounds like a lot,

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You say: Benefit Fraud (Losses)? I say: (Repaid) Benefit Overpayments and Errors!

If you have been following the UK political scene lately, probably the last place you’d expect to see calls for tougher clamp-downs on benefit fraud losses coming from is the Labour Party. Strangely enough, that’s exactly what happened this week, as Emily Thornberry, Shadow Minister of State for Employment, tore into Iain Duncan Smith (Minister for Work and Pensions) over the Tory government’s poor showing in the benefit fraud loss recovery arena. This is not the first time Ms Thornberry has caused a stir for the Labour Party. Almost a year to the day, she was involved in a tweeting

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GMC Seeks Stricter Testing Despite NHS Urgent Need for Foreign Doctors

The healthcare industry in the UK is currently in a state of crisis. The situation is the result of a bureaucratic mess that doesn’t look likely to be untangled any time soon. There are four main components involved. The first and most obvious is the under-funded and desperately under-staffed NHS, which urgently needs to bring in more foreign doctors to cover the shortfall in native UK doctors. This shortfall has been created due to a number of factors, but the results are clear to see. A recent report in the Daily Mail highlights a sharp rise in applications for Certificates

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Guide to Prenuptial Agreements in the UK

Despite an uninspiring track record of practical application in the UK, prenuptial agreements are an increasing trend among people preparing to marry. But if the worst happens and your marriage does hit the rocks, just how much good is a prenup actually going to be in court? Is it worth the effort and expense to create one? What are the advantages you can gain? If these are the sorts of questions you have buzzing through your head, read on to discover more. Legally speaking, what is a ‘prenup’? A prenup (or Prenuptial Agreement) is an agreement between people who are

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Hiding and undervaluing assets in divorce

  Hiding and undervaluing assets in divorce Have a look out for International business or personal links A structure of business interests and joint ventures, registered in offshore jurisdictions. Tax or financial planning arrangements Cash’ bit coin, well cloaked businesses such as those entertainment, hospitality, or internet based.   Keep a suspicious eye and a healthy scepticism about; – Gifts of assets to friends, colleagues, or relatives – These may always be returned once the door of the court is closed. Invented debts or financial obligations to related parties; The sale of assets at an undervalue to somebody who will

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