Criminal Injury Compensation – Press Information

Hylton-Potts - London Based Law Firm Helping People Across the UK since 1999

If you’ve had an injury or somebody in the family has, there is a Government scheme which is called the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme, and that means that the Government pays out amounts if somebody has had an injury or an assault, or even worse, they’ve died.  We handle these for you on a no-win no-fee contingency American basis and we get excellent settlements.

We’re quick, and I’m sure you’ll be quick with working as a team, but the Government department is rather slow, so we recommend getting the show on the road pretty quickly.

The first thing is to fill a form in which we can help you with and; we’ll get you a very good medical report from a top doctor who’ll be sympathetic and will get down on paper all the symptoms that you’ve had.

Rodney’s direct line is 020 7381 8111.  It’s a Free Legal Helpline and if you’ve had a problem like this, give him a ring and he will see if he can help you or email him at  [email protected].