NHS Counter Fraud Enquiries
Hylton-Potts - London Based Law Firm Helping People Across the UK since 1999
Table of Contents - Click to
- 0.1 We specialise in dealing with the National Health Service (NHS) fraud investigation.
- 0.2 We are on your side and will help you fight your case related to NHS fraud, and help you with the G.M.C.
- 0.3 It is not if they catch you but when.
- 1 Sentencing for Benefit Fraud
- 2 Hylton-Potts – We can help – We are on your side
Because of the credit crunch and recession, the Government has tripled its resources into NHS Fraud.
We specialise in dealing with the National Health Service (NHS) fraud investigation.
Problems arise when a care worker has claimed sick benefit when well, misrepresented qualifications or maybe used a false name, or a doctor has misused his right to issue prescriptions.
We have an outstanding track record in avoiding criminal prosecutions.
We can help if you fear being struck of the NHS list, or fear a prosecution and possible prison sentence.
We can help if you have been accused of subletting your property/flat.
We can help if you have been accused of unlawful, or fraudulent subletting.
We are experts in helping with Student Loans Fraud Prevention issues, and obtaining successful outcomes with DSA Counter Fraud Services.
It is not when if they catch you but when.
Consult the experts. For more information or a free legal opinion telephone 020-7381-8111 or email [email protected]
It is not if they catch you but when.
Click play below to listen to this podcast episode.
[audio:05_benefitfraud.mp3|titles=Benefit Fraud|artists=Rodney Hylton-Potts]We are here not to judge you, but to help you.
We have a high success rate in negotiating and successfully defending these claims, or otherwise obtaining the best possible outcome, i.e. the re-payment of the benefits claimed, with payment terms, without a criminal prosecution or even a caution.
We never allow our clients to be interviewed.
We can prepare a statement with you by phone and email, to avoid an arrest orwe stressful tape-recorded interview by the Fraud Enquiry Office or police.
As far as we know our service is unique.
We negotiate on your behalf with a high success rate in achieving a satisfactory outcome with the NHS Counter Fraud Service.
People break the law for all sorts of reasons. For some, the pressures of family life can push them into situations from which they find it hard to escape from.
We understand this and how sometimes people can get themselves into unfortunate situations. The work we do is more than just a job for us and we work tirelessly to always get the best outcome for our client.
Sentencing for Benefit Fraud
Prosecutions take place for fraud for as little as £2,000.
Between £5,000 and £20,000, there is usually an immediate custodial sentence of three months, for the first offence.
For cases involving over £20,000, a custodial sentence of around 9-12 months will normally be imposed.
Our job is to change that.
Large-scale benefit fraud can result in sentences of over 30 months. A jail sentence can contain a deterrent element and make ‘examples’ of people.
We mitigate penalties for our clients by off-setting the amount of benefits they have legitimately received against the amount of overpayment claimed. We work out the correct levels of claims and investigate our client’s circumstances. This can reduce the amount of overpayment by up to 80%.
Mitigation can reduce any sentence and an early guilty plea will always do this. In cases of benefit fraud, extra factors that are taken into account are the amount of time over which the fraud occurred and the total amount. Character evidence and voluntary repayments will also be taken into account. A helpful report from a sympathetic doctor can help.
Download the Benefit fraud sentencing tariff as a pdf.
We deal with primary care NHS applications.
Hylton-Potts – We can help – We are on your side
At Hylton-Potts we can further reduce a sentence by making representations as to the circumstances of the offence and how the fraud began, what the money was spent on and particular special matters relevant such as family breakdown, illness or disability. If a client has committed a benefit fraud in order to feed their young family, then we can ensure this is taken into account in sentencing and given full consideration by the court.
Pressure from others such as bullying by partners, forced marriages, not understanding the regulations, poor English, medical problems and full cooperation, are all factors we can help you with, to get the best possible result. We have accountants and sympathetic doctors who will help.
More Information on NHS Fraud Law
We are better and cheaper than solicitors. For more information or a free legal opinion telephone 020-7381-8111 or email [email protected].
For more information or a free legal opinion telephone 020-7381-8111 or email [email protected].